Keep it playful! Partner up!!


It can be very easy to let our fitness routine get stale this time of year, so grab your partner or friend and a resistance band and head outside for some fun and fresh air.  I promise you will warm up in no time with these partnering moves!

1) Bicep Curls- Each partner holds a handle of the band and performs a bicep curl at the same time.  Keep elbow in line with your shoulder for this move.  Remember to keep enough resistance between the two of you and to curl and release at the same time.  Do 3 sets of 15 for each arm.

2) Leg Swings- Stand side by side with arms around eachother's shoulders.  Wrap the handle of the band securely around your outside ankle, and raise 45 degrees out to the side, keeping a straight leg and plenty of resistance between the two of you.  Do 3 sets of 15 on each side.


3) Ball throws with a squat- Choose a thrower and a receiver.  The thrower tosses the medicine ball from a squat position coming up to stand, while the receiver catches the ball while rolling down to lie on the ground.  The receiver will then perform a sit-up while throwing the ball to the partner who is standing.  Do 3 sets of 15 each.

Partner Plank Jumps Final
Partner Plank Jumps Final

4) Plank Jumps- While one person holds a plank, their partner jumps over them in a back and forth position.  If jumping with both feet is too difficult, this can be dangerous!  Try hopping over your partner one foot at a time, or stepping over your partner, removing the jump. Perform 2 sets of 10 jumps each.


5) Roll up to stand- With both participants seated facing eachother, one partner holds the "rolling" partner's calves.  The "roller" will perform a sit up from the ground to a standing position, using the stability of their partner to hold their legs in place.  Do 2 sets of 15 each.

6) Leg throws- One partner lies on the ground holding the standing partners ankles securely.  The standing partner throws their partner's legs toward the ground.  The partner doing the ab work should resist letting their feet hit the ground, and use their abdominal strength to swing legs back up to their partner for the next throw.  When you get used to this, try throwing the legs at an angle to focus on oblique muscles! Try 2 sets of 20 each.

Remember to be careful, but most importantly to have fun and encourage your partner!!